The long-term viability of initiatives will be considered during the selection process.
These programmatic requirements will guide The More Than Education Foundation in selecting and supporting initiatives that align with its mission of driving meaningful change, achieving measurable social and behavioral impacts, and addressing the priority issues of our times. Organizations with initiatives meeting these requirements are encouraged to contact the foundation by submitting a one-page letter of inquiry for consideration.
The foundation places importance on sustainability in driving long-term impact. Programs should consider environmental, economic, and social sustainability aspects. They should aim to create lasting positive change and utilize resources efficiently and responsibly.
The foundation encourages initiatives that have the potential for scalability, allowing them to expand their reach and have a broader impact over time. Programs should be designed in a way that facilitates replication, adaptation, and/or wider implementation in different communities, populations, or regions.
The foundation encourages initiatives that have the potential for scalability, allowing them to expand their reach and have a broader impact over time. Programs should be designed in a way that facilitates replication, adaptation, and/or wider implementation in different communities, populations, or regions.
Programs supported by the foundation must have mechanisms in place to measure outcomes and demonstrate their effectiveness. They should utilize data-driven approaches and evaluation methodologies to assess the impact of their interventions. If a program lacks impact measurement mechanisms, technical assistance will be provided to help create those measurements.
The foundation prioritizes programs that produce positive impacts for marginalized, underserved, or disadvantaged populations. Initiatives should focus on reducing disparities and promoting equal opportunities for all individuals. Special consideration will be given to programs that create innovative approaches to complex issues.
Financial Inclusion and Equitable Financial Outcomes
Decreasing Youth Opportunity Gaps
Increasing Health Equity
Climate Change Mitigation
Complex Social Issues
The More Than Education Foundation was chartered by a diverse group of social impact strategists, educational curriculum designers, Emmy and Telly Award-winning public media producers, and technology innovators. These visionary individuals recognized that by working collaboratively, individual initiatives focused on driving measurable social and behavioral impacts could achieve greater scale than what is possible through investments in public media, technology, and community outreach in isolation.
Advised by behavioral economists and already seeing the results of aligning technology, media, and community partnerships, the chartering members formed The More Than Education Foundation. The foundation provides technical assistance, funding support, and impact measurement for initiatives that drive meaningful change. It acts as both a creator of initiatives and a fiscal agent for existing ones.
The long-term viability of initiatives will be considered during the selection process.
These programmatic requirements will guide The More Than Education Foundation in selecting and supporting initiatives that align with its mission of driving meaningful change, achieving measurable social and behavioral impacts, and addressing the priority issues of our times. Organizations with initiatives meeting these requirements are encouraged to contact the foundation by submitting a one-page letter of inquiry for consideration.